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#1037 ALREADY ADOPTED - Gauteng, Oakdene - Adopt Ozzy Yorkshire Terrier

Gauteng, Oakdene


Adopt Ozzy Yorkshire Terrier 

Ozzy is a male Yorkie, he is 3 years old and a lovable lap dog. Ozzy is in urgent need of a new home before Sunday!

Adopt Ozzy Yorkshire Terrier

Ozzy is a loving Yorkie who enjoys cuddles and snuggles. He does get a little anxious when his routine is changed but, once he gets reassurance from his pawrents, he does well. Positive reinforcement is very important for Ozzy.

He is brilliant with children. He gets along well with other dogs, although he does take a little time to warm up to new canine friends. He is a dominant Yorkie, and so needs to be with submissive furfriends. Cats will be chased.

Ozzy gets cold really quick, so in winter he likes his hair long, or wrapped in a warm jersey.

Ozzy is leash trained. He is fine with storms, when he can cuddle on a protective lap. He does have a tendency to dominate the lap, but he just loves cuddles.

This Yorkshire Terrier, does have a slight separation anxiety, and will whine for a few minutes, when you go out and leave him at home. However, after about 5 minutes, he forgets that you have left, and will happily play outside with toys. He is fully housetrained, and does not lift his leg in the house.

Apply to Adopt HERE

South Africa's Favourite Yorkie Rescue
SA Yorkie Rescue Team
Call / WhatsApp: 071 489 2917

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