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Showing posts with the label Urgent Rehome

#1123 Gauteng, Glenhazel - Adopt Yorkshire Terrier Puppy

Gauteng, Glenhazel Adopt a Yorkshire Terrier Puppy This beautiful female Yorkie Puppy will be 4 months old in a few days time. She is a cute happy puppy, that is already 90% potty trained. She has an independent personality, with a love for people and children. She also gets along very well with other dogs. This Yorkshire Terrier enjoys her chew toys, and will play until she flops down and sleeps.  Apply to Adopt  HERE South Africa's Favourite Yorkie Rescue SA Yorkie Rescue Team Call / WhatsApp:  071 489 2917 Email:  adoptions Website: Download our  SA YORKIE RESCUE app   from Google Play Store Facebook   |   Instagram   |   Twitter   |   Spotify   |  YouTube   |   Telegram  |  WhatsApp Channel

#1081 ALREADY ADOPTED - Gauteng, Fourways - 10 Yorkies Need Great Homes

Gauteng, Fourways 10 Yorkies Need Great Homes We have 10 Yorkshire Terriers with the most beautiful personalities in urgent need of new homes. They are all housetrained, love sleeping on the bed, well socialized with other dogs. Good with children. They have not interacted much with cats. Please note that some doggies must be adopted together, while others can be adopted separately. 1. Rosie and Maggie (ALREADY ADOPTED) Rosie and Maggie are sisters, they are bonded and need to find their new home together. They are 5 years old. Rosie Rosie has the sweetest personality and loves to be picked up, and will stand up on you leg to beg for uppies. She is  a sentsitive little female Yorkshire Terrier, that is afraid of loud noises and would rather go hide or lie down.  Maggie Maggie is a beautiful Chocolate Yorkie, who will flirt with her eyes to get her own way, or flirt her way out of trouble. She is a chatty little girl that will remind you that its foodies time. Maggie is a tru...

#1078 ALREADY ADOPTED - Gauteng, Boksburg - Adopt Mr Bean and Lucky

Gauteng, Boksburg ALREADY ADOPTED Adopt Mr Bean and Lucky They are two bonded male Yorkshire Terriers. They are both outgoing and love people. They enjoy being around children . These two Yorkie boys are very playful with other dogs , but they do not like cats. Mr Bean Mr Bean will lick you to death. He loves standing on the back seat when going for car rides. Throw a ball, and he will bring it back to your hand, so that you can throw it for him again. Mr Bean is currently 10 years old , and as fit as a fiddle. He enjoys cuddling on the bed with his humans. Lucky Lucky is 8 years old and loves to play ball, he will steal the ball away from Mr Bean and make you laugh. He prefers to lay in the back window when driving in the car, and enjoys barking at everyone standing at the traffic lights. Lucky prefers to sleep cozy in his own bed. Both these Yorkies are fully housetrained , and they do not lift their leg in the house. They are afraid of fireworks, so keep them close. They are well ...

#1068 ALREADY ADOPTED - Gauteng Alberton - Rescue a Yorkie Byte

Gauteng, Alberton ALREADY ADOPTED Rescue a Yorkie Byte Byte is in urgent need of a new home, He is about 7 years old, and has been abused and beaten by drunkards. He is terrified of people coming near him, and cowers down. Byte needs a second chance at life, with a special family who has a heart large enough to take the time and effort to rehabilitate this little Yorkie boy, and make him feel loved and wanted. Byte aka Skapie, is a Yorkshire Terrier that does relax when he is in the arms of a loving animal lover, who will talk calmly and lovingly to him. This soothes him, and his big brown eyes, will convey his deepest emotions to you. Currently he is not doing well in the company of other dogs, and would need to be carefully introduced to well socialized, submissive doggies that will not want to attack him. Please rescue this Yorkie boy! Apply to Adopt  HERE South Africa's Favourite Yorkie Rescue SA Yorkie Rescue Team Call / WhatsApp:  071 489 2917 Email:  adoptions @y...

#1060 ALREADY ADOPTED - Gauteng, Montana Park - Adopt Buks Yorkie Boy

Gauteng, Montana Park ALREADY ADOPTED Adopt Buks Yorkie Boy Buks is a 3 year old male Yorkshire Terrier, a very loving, affectionate lap dog . He loves children , and enjoys playing fetch with his ball all day. He gets on well with other dogs , not sure about cats. He does enjoy walking on leash. He does not generally enjoy car rides. He is housetrained.    Apply to Adopt  HERE South Africa's Favourite Yorkie Rescue SA Yorkie Rescue Team Call / WhatsApp:  071 489 2917 Email:  adoptions Website: Download our  SA YORKIE RESCUE app   from Google Play Store Facebook   |   Instagram   |   Twitter   |   Spotify   |  YouTube   |   Telegram  |  WhatsApp Channel

#1058 ALREADY ADOPTED - Mpumalanga Delmas - URGENT adopt 2 Yorkie males

Mpumalanga, Delmas ALREADY ADOPTED Urgent adopt 2 Yorkie Males Woof & Kuifie Woof   Woof 7 year old male Yorkshire Terrier, has such a soft personality. He loves to come sit on the bed, look at you with his big googly eyes, and put his left paw softly on your lap. Kuifie Kuifie is a 9 year old male Yorkie, who is a little afraid and nervous, but has so much love to give. They love sleeping on the bed, and get along well with other dogs. They are not fond of cats. They are truly pampered Yorkies that get groomed regularly, and enjoy getting their teeth brushed everyday. Apply to Adopt  HERE South Africa's Favourite Yorkie Rescue SA Yorkie Rescue Team Call / WhatsApp:  071 489 2917 Email:  adoptions Website: Download our  SA YORKIE RESCUE app   from Google Play Store Facebook   |   Instagram   |   Twitter   |   Spotify   |  YouTube   | ...

#1050 ALREADY ADOPTED - Gauteng, Edenvale - Adopt Jackie and Bailey

Gauteng, Edenvale ALREADY ADOPTED Adopt Jackie and Bailey Jackie and Bailey - three year old female Yorkshire Terriers . Urgently need new homes by Saturday 31 Aug 2024. They love children and enjoy walking on leash. They also enjoy car rides. They are used to being around a pool. They are not good with cats. Jackie Jackie is a princess that wants to be pampered all day long. She is good with other dogs. Jackie loves adventure, and needs a safe and secure home, as she is an excellent jumper. Bailey Bailey is a real lap dog, enjoying cuddles and attention. She has a dominant streak in her so a submissive canine friend will be better suited for her. Apply to Adopt  HERE South Africa's Favourite Yorkie Rescue SA Yorkie Rescue Team Call / WhatsApp:  071 489 2917 Email:  adoptions Website: Download our  SA YORKIE RESCUE app   from Google Play Store Facebook   |   Instagram   |   Twitter ...

#1049 ALREADY ADOPTED - Gauteng, Krugersdorp - Urgent Adopt Charlie and Mila

Gauteng, Krugersdorp ALREADY ADOPTED Urgent Adopt Charlie and Mila Charlie and Mila's owner sadly passed away and they are in urgent need of a loving new home. They are a bonded pair , and will not cope well if separated. Charlie Charlie is a small male Yorkshire Terrier, he is 6 years old. He is a loyal Yorkie boy, who would love to cuddle on a lap all day long if he could. He loves to be close to his pawrents. Charlie is excellent with children, he loves toddlers and is very patient and loving towards them. Mila   Mila is a 9 year old female Yorkshire Terrier . She is placid and obedient and besotted with her ball. She loves to play fetch, and will always bring a ball to your feet to ask for another game of fetch. She is a very clever Yorkie girl. Mila is also good with children, although prefers to play ball. These doggies have been accustomed to having the attention of their owner all day, and need someone who can give them the attention they crave. They do not like cats , ho...