Gauteng, Randburg
is a 8 month old Yorkie boy
who is looking for a loving home.
Milo is a lively and cheerful pup
He is very affectionate and will cuddle
with you whenever he can and loves sleeping.
He is eager to learn new things
and make new friends.
Milo is still a puppy,
so he needs a lot of attention and care.
He has not been around other animals,
so he might need some time
to get used to them.
He is also not fully house-trained,
so he will need some guidance
and patience from his new family.
If you are looking for a
loyal and adorable companion,
He will brighten up your days
with his sweet personality and cute antics.
He is ready to give you his heart and soul,
if you are willing to do the same for him.
Apply to Adopt HERE
Contact us for more information
WhatsApp: 071 489 2917
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