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Showing posts with the label small yorkies

#1105 ALREADY ADOPTED - Gauteng, Alberton - Adopt Yorkie Male

ALREADY ADOPTED🎉 Gauteng, Alberton Adopt Yorkie Male This 6 year old Yorkie boy is very loving and affectionate. He loves to play and enjoys being around small children who will throw a ball for him. He prefers to get along on his own or with submissive female dogs, unsure how he will be around cats. He does enjoy taking a chance at running out the gate, given half the chance, so a secure home for him is important. He does enjoy going for walks on leash. He is not a big barker. He is used to being home alone during the day and does not suffer from separation anxiety.  He does need extra help with housetraining, and these tips on toilet training an adopted dog will help teach him correctly. Tap on HERE to learn more. This Yorkshire Terrier is waiting to shower you with love and attention. This is how gorgeous I am with long hair Apply to Adopt  HERE South Africa's Favourite Yorkie Rescue SA Yorkie Rescue Team Call / WhatsApp:  071 489 2917 Email:  adoptions @york...

#1092 ALREADY ADOPTED Gauteng Randburg - Adopt Yorkie Boy Benji

ALREADY ADOPTED 🎉 Gauteng, Randburg Adopt Yorkie Boy Benji Yorkie Boy Benji is a one year old male "Mommy's Boy" This small Yorkshire Terrier boy wants to be cuddled and sit on a lap all day if he had half the chance. Benji is a busy young Yorkie, with lots of potential, as he is clever and teachable. An adorable small Yorkie who loves little humans his size. Although Benji has not been socialized with other dogs, he does get along well with the pack he has grown up with. He would be curious to meet a cat, unsure how he will react to being introduced to a feline friend. Apply to Adopt  HERE South Africa's Favourite Yorkie Rescue SA Yorkie Rescue Team Call / WhatsApp:  071 489 2917 Email:  adoptions Website: Download our  SA YORKIE RESCUE app   from Google Play Store Facebook   |   Instagram   |   Twitter   |   Spotify   |  YouTube   |   T...

#1090 ALREADY ADOPTED - Gauteng, Springs - Adopt Small Yorkies

ALREADY ADOPTED🎉 Gauteng, Springs Adopt Small Yorkies Morgan and Phoebe, adopt small Yorkies , and get double satisfaction of having two Yorkshire Terriers. They are 9 years old, and are a bonded pair, so they need to be adopted together. They love children, get along well with other dogs. They also enjoy grooming the cat. Morgan Morgan is a small male Yorkshire Terrier, who gets so excited when his loved humans come home, that he will bark in excitement. He also looks so adorable, when he sits on his hind legs, taps you with his paw to beg for more attention. Phoebe Phoebe is small Yorkie girl , who also has a unique way of begging for more attention. She will come stand in front of you, then hop around asking for more love. Both Yorkies prefer to hide on the bed, when the vacuum makes a noise during house cleaning. If a car door gets opened, they will jump in for another new adventure. Apply to Adopt  HERE South Africa's Favourite Yorkie Rescue SA Yorkie Rescue Team Call / ...

#1081 ALREADY ADOPTED - Gauteng, Fourways - 10 Yorkies Need Great Homes

Gauteng, Fourways 10 Yorkies Need Great Homes We have 10 Yorkshire Terriers with the most beautiful personalities in urgent need of new homes. They are all housetrained, love sleeping on the bed, well socialized with other dogs. Good with children. They have not interacted much with cats. Please note that some doggies must be adopted together, while others can be adopted separately. 1. Rosie and Maggie (ALREADY ADOPTED) Rosie and Maggie are sisters, they are bonded and need to find their new home together. They are 5 years old. Rosie Rosie has the sweetest personality and loves to be picked up, and will stand up on you leg to beg for uppies. She is  a sentsitive little female Yorkshire Terrier, that is afraid of loud noises and would rather go hide or lie down.  Maggie Maggie is a beautiful Chocolate Yorkie, who will flirt with her eyes to get her own way, or flirt her way out of trouble. She is a chatty little girl that will remind you that its foodies time. Maggie is a tru...

#1066 ALREADY ADOPTED - Gauteng Alberton - Adopt Yorkie boy Hunter

Gauteng, Alberton ALREADY ADOPTED Adopt Yorkie boy Hunter Hunter is a 6 year old male Yorkie . He is an obedient peaceful young boy, who is very loving and soft hearted. Hunter just loves to play with children , and happily allows them to lay and cuddle with him. He has so much love to give. Hunter is good with submissive female dogs , unsure how he will react to cats. He does enjoy going for walks on leash . He is not a big barker. He is used to being home alone during the day and does not suffer from separation anxiety. Hunter is afraid of thunderstorms, and prefers to have his loved ones cuddle him to keep him safe. He is an escape artist if the gate is opened, he will take a run for it. So a secure yard is a must for him. Hunter needs a little help with housetraining , as he occasionally still lifts his leg, you can find some tips on this link here. Adopt a loving, playful Yorkshire Terrier boy.   Apply to Adopt  HERE South Africa's Favourite Yorkie Rescue SA Yorkie Res...

#1050 ALREADY ADOPTED - Gauteng, Edenvale - Adopt Jackie and Bailey

Gauteng, Edenvale ALREADY ADOPTED Adopt Jackie and Bailey Jackie and Bailey - three year old female Yorkshire Terriers . Urgently need new homes by Saturday 31 Aug 2024. They love children and enjoy walking on leash. They also enjoy car rides. They are used to being around a pool. They are not good with cats. Jackie Jackie is a princess that wants to be pampered all day long. She is good with other dogs. Jackie loves adventure, and needs a safe and secure home, as she is an excellent jumper. Bailey Bailey is a real lap dog, enjoying cuddles and attention. She has a dominant streak in her so a submissive canine friend will be better suited for her. Apply to Adopt  HERE South Africa's Favourite Yorkie Rescue SA Yorkie Rescue Team Call / WhatsApp:  071 489 2917 Email:  adoptions Website: Download our  SA YORKIE RESCUE app   from Google Play Store Facebook   |   Instagram   |   Twitter ...

#1049 ALREADY ADOPTED - Gauteng, Krugersdorp - Urgent Adopt Charlie and Mila

Gauteng, Krugersdorp ALREADY ADOPTED Urgent Adopt Charlie and Mila Charlie and Mila's owner sadly passed away and they are in urgent need of a loving new home. They are a bonded pair , and will not cope well if separated. Charlie Charlie is a small male Yorkshire Terrier, he is 6 years old. He is a loyal Yorkie boy, who would love to cuddle on a lap all day long if he could. He loves to be close to his pawrents. Charlie is excellent with children, he loves toddlers and is very patient and loving towards them. Mila   Mila is a 9 year old female Yorkshire Terrier . She is placid and obedient and besotted with her ball. She loves to play fetch, and will always bring a ball to your feet to ask for another game of fetch. She is a very clever Yorkie girl. Mila is also good with children, although prefers to play ball. These doggies have been accustomed to having the attention of their owner all day, and need someone who can give them the attention they crave. They do not like cats , ho...

#1046 ALREADY ADOPTED - Gauteng, Pretoria - Adopt Smudge and Rolo

Gauteng, Pretoria ALREADY ADOPTED Adopt Smudge and Rolo Smudge & Rolo are 7 year old male Yorkshire Terriers. They are a bonded pair and need to be adopted together. Smudge Smudge is a small Yorkie boy . He is calm, loving, placid and loves to sleep or just lay close to his human wherever they are.  Rolo Rolo likes his own space to relax, but also loves attention. He enjoys running around. He is very protective over his little brother Smudge. Smudge & Rolo both love people , they have not interacted with toddlers or small children, they are very affectionate Yorkies. These two Yorkie boys sleep in the bed, and enjoy sticking their heads out the window when going for a car ride. They do not like cats, and do not get along well with other dogs. They need to be the only pets , and adopted together . Out of province adoptions will be considered. Apply to Adopt  HERE South Africa's Favourite Yorkie Rescue SA Yorkie Rescue Team Call / WhatsApp:  071 489 2917 Email:...