North West, Potchefstroom
11 Month old Yorkshire Terrier Puppy.
Beertijie is a loving, calm happy puppy when with his humans. However, he suffers from seperation anxiety and needs an understanding family that can help him overcome his fears and help train him to be confident little Yorkie boy.
Beertjie enjoys car rides and walking on his leash. He is well socialized with other dogs. He has never met any cats, so unsure how he will react to any felines. He is fully housetrained and does not lift his leg in the house.
Beertjie loves people, but has not been introduced to children. He is a calm little Yorkie puppy that sleeps in his own little bed, but loves a cuddle on your lap.
He needs a family with someone home during the day.
I love giving kisses
Apply to Adopt HERE
South Africa's Favourite Yorkie Rescue
SA Yorkie Rescue Team
Call / WhatsApp: 071 489 2917