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Showing posts with the label puppies

#1084 ALREADY ADOPTED - Gauteng, Sandton - Adopt Yorkie Puppies Rocky and Akeelah

Gauteng, Sandton ALREADY ADOPTED Adopt Yorkie Puppies Rocky and Akeelah Yorkie Puppies Rocky and Akeelah are 7 months old . They are a bundle of joy and will shadow you everywhere. Rocky Rocky is a Morkie boy , who is affectionate, lovable and intelligent. He loves his tummy tickles and his cuddles early in the morning. He is soft and playful. He is also quick to respond to instructions, easily trainable. Rocky does enjoy barking at other dogs when on their walks, as a greeting. This Morkie Puppy just thrives on the adventure of car rides, will excited jump into the car, as soon as the door opens, and loves sticking his head out the window to enjoy the wind blowing in his hair. Akeelah Akeelah is a female Yorkshire Terrier, who just loves people and dogs. She is a super social Yorkie Puppy that happily runs up to people to greet them, and play. Her tail won't stop wagging until she is greeted with love and laughs. Akeelah is a submissive Yorkie girl , that gets along well with...

#964 ALREADY ADOPTED - Gauteng, Pretoria - Three Yorkie x Puppies

Gauteng, Pretoria Three Yorkie x Puppies Black Male ~ Brown Female ~ Black Female These gorgeous puppies have been rescued and are now waiting in foster care to find the best furbaby pawrents, who are willing to give these puppies the life a Yorkie deserves. Their mommy is a Yorkie and the daddy could possibly be a Dachshund, (Dorkie) Black & White Yorkie boy Puppy Brown Yorkie Girl Puppy Yorkie girl Black & Brown Puppy Puppies have been fully weaned off the mommy.  Mommy Yorkie has been booked in for sterilization. Apply to Adopt  HERE South Africa's Favourite Yorkie Rescue SA Yorkie Rescue Team Call / WhatsApp:  071 489 2917 Email:  adoptions Website: Facebook   |   Instagram   |   Twitter   |   Spotify   |  YouTube   |   Telegram  |  WhatsApp Channel

#950 ALREADY ADOPTED - Gauteng, Sandton - Whiskey & Brandy travel buddies

Gauteng, Sandton Whiskey & Brandy Th e cutest Yorkie duo ever! Whiskey and Brandy, tiny 18-month-old Yorkshire Terrier boys who are ready to find their forever home. These two are not just cute, they are also smart, friendly, and well-behaved. Whiskey and Brandy, small Yorkie boys, have dynamic personalities that will charm anyone who meets them. They love children and play so gently with them. They are good with other dogs but have not met any cats. Both Yorkie boys are fully house-trained and have no health issues. Whiskey   loves company and is very obedient. He is also very affectionate and loves to cuddle. Brandy loves to be close to someone and will shadow you wherever you go. He is also very curious and likes to explore new things. He is always ready for a game or a nap. They are also  well-traveled  little Yorkies, full of adventure. They enjoy car rides, with their hair blowing in the wind, and even have travel bags to travel by plane. They thoroughl...

#847 - ALREADY REHOMED - Gauteng, Boksburg - Zues & Peanut 2 Yorkie puppies

Gauteng, Boksburg Zues & Peanut - Yorkie Puppies Male & Female Yorkshire Terrier Puppies Beautiful Lovable Yorkie pair

#814 - ALREADY ADOPTED! Gauteng, Kempton Park - 12 week old Male Puppies (2) to be Rescued

Gauteng, Kempton Park   A Plea for Help! Rescue Two 12 week old male puppies Please help us urgently find a loving home for these  two 12 week old male puppies They are in desperate need of TLC they both have a skin condition,  they lost most of their hair,  but it is growing back Both Yorkshire Terriers are friendly,  although one is very shy   & the other is very outgoing They love children excellent with cats & other dogs If you can't adopt them yourself,   Please share this post to help us find them a loving home!