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Showing posts with the label Senior Yorkie

#1109 ALREADY ADOPTED - Gauteng, Centurion - Yorkies Sky and Storm

ALREADY ADOPTED🎉 Gauteng, Centurion Yorkies Sky and Storm Sky and Storm are excellent with grandchildren. They are well socialized with other dogs, and have been friends with the 15 year old cat for years. They enjoy going for walks on leash and love car rides. Sky Sky is an 8 year old male Yorkie who was rescued about 5 years ago. He has grown into a beautiful Yorkie with a lovable personality. He is afraid of thunder and will climb up under your shoulder to be near you and calm down. He does have long-term dental issues. Storm ALREADY ADOPTED🎉 Storm is an 8 year old male Yorkshire Terrier.  He loves cuddles and is an excellent companion, a lovely lap doggy.  He was groomed to be a show dog, his parents being international champ show dogs. Sky and Storm are not big barkers, you will know someone is at the gate if they do bark. They are housetrained, and are trained to go out late evening and again early morning.  Due to health reasons, the owner can no longer care for...

#1101 ALREADY ADOPTED - North West, Hartbeespoort - Adopt a Yorkshire Terrier Girl

ALREADY ADOPTED 🎉 North West, Hartbeespoort Adopt a Yorkshire Terrier Girl Katja is a 9 year old female Yorkie Girl , who is very friendly, and loves to wag her tail to welcome visitors. She gets along well with other dogs and with cats. Unsure how she will be with small children, but with her loving, friendly personality, will welcome love. Katja loves car rides. This lap dog (sorry can't call a Yorkie a dog) is not a very active Yorkshire Terrier, as she prefers to be the lady of the house, but she will let you know when strangers are at the gate. Katja is also use to being around a pool, and can walk on leash. Senior Yorkies make the best companions. Katja needs her new home this week, before the family move on the 26th December 2024. Apply to Adopt  HERE South Africa's Favourite Yorkie Rescue SA Yorkie Rescue Team Call / WhatsApp:  071 489 2917 Email:  adoptions Website: Download our  SA YORKIE RESCUE app ...

#1090 ALREADY ADOPTED - Gauteng, Springs - Adopt Small Yorkies

ALREADY ADOPTED🎉 Gauteng, Springs Adopt Small Yorkies Morgan and Phoebe, adopt small Yorkies , and get double satisfaction of having two Yorkshire Terriers. They are 9 years old, and are a bonded pair, so they need to be adopted together. They love children, get along well with other dogs. They also enjoy grooming the cat. Morgan Morgan is a small male Yorkshire Terrier, who gets so excited when his loved humans come home, that he will bark in excitement. He also looks so adorable, when he sits on his hind legs, taps you with his paw to beg for more attention. Phoebe Phoebe is small Yorkie girl , who also has a unique way of begging for more attention. She will come stand in front of you, then hop around asking for more love. Both Yorkies prefer to hide on the bed, when the vacuum makes a noise during house cleaning. If a car door gets opened, they will jump in for another new adventure. Apply to Adopt  HERE South Africa's Favourite Yorkie Rescue SA Yorkie Rescue Team Call / ...

#1081 ALREADY ADOPTED - Gauteng, Fourways - 10 Yorkies Need Great Homes

Gauteng, Fourways 10 Yorkies Need Great Homes We have 10 Yorkshire Terriers with the most beautiful personalities in urgent need of new homes. They are all housetrained, love sleeping on the bed, well socialized with other dogs. Good with children. They have not interacted much with cats. Please note that some doggies must be adopted together, while others can be adopted separately. 1. Rosie and Maggie (ALREADY ADOPTED) Rosie and Maggie are sisters, they are bonded and need to find their new home together. They are 5 years old. Rosie Rosie has the sweetest personality and loves to be picked up, and will stand up on you leg to beg for uppies. She is  a sentsitive little female Yorkshire Terrier, that is afraid of loud noises and would rather go hide or lie down.  Maggie Maggie is a beautiful Chocolate Yorkie, who will flirt with her eyes to get her own way, or flirt her way out of trouble. She is a chatty little girl that will remind you that its foodies time. Maggie is a tru...

#1078 ALREADY ADOPTED - Gauteng, Boksburg - Adopt Mr Bean and Lucky

Gauteng, Boksburg ALREADY ADOPTED Adopt Mr Bean and Lucky They are two bonded male Yorkshire Terriers. They are both outgoing and love people. They enjoy being around children . These two Yorkie boys are very playful with other dogs , but they do not like cats. Mr Bean Mr Bean will lick you to death. He loves standing on the back seat when going for car rides. Throw a ball, and he will bring it back to your hand, so that you can throw it for him again. Mr Bean is currently 10 years old , and as fit as a fiddle. He enjoys cuddling on the bed with his humans. Lucky Lucky is 8 years old and loves to play ball, he will steal the ball away from Mr Bean and make you laugh. He prefers to lay in the back window when driving in the car, and enjoys barking at everyone standing at the traffic lights. Lucky prefers to sleep cozy in his own bed. Both these Yorkies are fully housetrained , and they do not lift their leg in the house. They are afraid of fireworks, so keep them close. They are well ...

#1074 ALREADY ADOPTED - Gauteng, Midstream - Adopt Yorkies Mila and Chloeé

Gauteng, Midstream ALREADY ADOPTED Adopt Yorkies Mila and Chloeé Mila & Chloeé Bonded Pair Mila Mila  is an 8 year old female Ocean Pearl Yorkshire Terrier. She is a loving, cute Yorkie girl, that loves cuddles. Her favorite is jumping up onto your chest in the morning to wake you up. She is playful and thinks she is a lion. Mila is a little afraid of meeting new dogs, she would prefer to jump into your arms for safety, rather than sniff a new potential canine friend. Chloeé Chloeé is Mila's mother, she is an  11 year old senior Yorkshire Terrier. She has a beautiful submissive, gentle nature, a real mother-hen personality, and loves children. Also the smart one in the home. This lovable senior Yorkie girl, is starting to go deaf, but quickly reacts to a whistle. At her age, she is still energetic, and enjoys going for walks. She is excellent with other dogs, and really loves tummy rubs. Both Yorkies are fully housetrained, love children and will chase cats. They are a b...